Generating a lot of traffic for your website is important, however, it’s what you do with this traffic that really matters. your website landing pages are one of the most important aspects of your sales funnel because they can be used to direct your traffic towards different conversion goals.
So many websites for all of their time and effort into creating an SEO strategy without considering what they are going to do with that traffic once they have it. By having a landing page strategy in place, you are setting your business up for Success.
Why is Optimisation Important?
The data that you gather through your website over time is one of the most valuable tools that you have for refining and improving. The most important thing that you can do as a webmaster or business owner is to continually test webpages, record data, and implement changes accordingly. It’s unrealistic to expect to get things right straight away, however, if you want to be successful you need to be dynamic.
If you’re having trouble optimising your webpages it could be worth working with a UX specialist or SEO specialist who understands how to optimise your pages to get the most out of your traffic. According to Safari Digital in Perth, one of the biggest mistakes that business owners make is that they fail to make use of the data that a website is constantly accruing every time someone visits the website.
Here are some tips to help you build landing pages that will serve as a funnel and get your customers moving in the right direction.
Focus on the User Journey
Before you start creating landing pages for your website, you need to think about where you want your customers to end up. For each landing page on your website, you should have a specific goal for what you want a customer to do.
You should think of your website landing pages as the first point in the buyer journey of your potential customers. If your website is experiencing a high bounce or low time on page, there’s a good chance that your landing pages and not providing clear instructions so where you want your customers to end up.
Tweak Your Call to Action Buttons
There are so many websites out there that spend all their time creating great content without considering where they are following their users. Your call to action buttons should provide the instructions to your visitors that lead them through a logical sales funnel. Make it simple for your prospective customers to take the next step on their sales journey.
Make the Most of Your Reviews
If your business has been around for a while, there’s a good chance that you have accrued some reviews from around the internet. Whether this is from Google business reviews, Yelp, TripAdvisor, or any other review site it’s important that you integrate these onto your website. According to industry experts, customer reviews are one of the most important aspects of building trust with your web visitors. User-generated reviews are a great way to build trust and show that your business has a proven track record.
Creating effective landing pages for your business is all about making the most of your data. The most important thing that you can do as a marketer or business owner is to constantly test your web pages to see what is working and what is not.