Those interested in Battlefield V had to pay close attention during the summer and autumn. For example, the game’s release was delayed by a month to November 20 , but ten days before that new release date, tons of gameplay videos of players who apparently had access to the game had already appeared. That had to do with the fact that the game had multiple release dates. If you were willing to purchase the most expensive EA game plan called Origin Access Premier, access was already available on November 9. The cheaper subscription option gave the limited opportunity to try the shooter for ten hours on November 9. Then, those who pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition were able to enter the battlefield on November 15. It wasn’t until five days later that everyone else got access to the basic version of the game.
The Use of the Best Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts used the release of Battlefield V to celebrate its own Origin Access service and to encourage gamers to purchase one of the two plans right away. Origin Access Premier gives gamers access to all new EA games such as Anthem, including the necessary extras. Added to that is access to the EA Game Library, so gamers can choose from downloading and playing over 115 games. Origin Access is also a PC subscription consisting of EA games, but it does not include previous release dates and full access to new games. EA has opened these subscriptions to other publishers, so that the offer becomes more diverse. The publisher probably hopes to take back market share from Steam with this. Go for the lol smurf accounts there now.
The game was unable to reverse its critical tendency after the somewhat delayed release . In the review of the game on Tweakers , the point of quantity was not touched for no reason: the game simply has too little content. Apart from the audiovisual splendor, the content that is present is also enough to haggle, such as the necessary bugs and issues with the netcode. But what was especially painful was the fact that there were only eight maps available on release, supplemented by a handful of single-player missions. The already announced practice mode, which is ideally available from day one with a new game, came out a month later, along with a new single player story and a new multiplayer folder.
Electronic Arts does not completely ignore the console gamer; EA Access is the Origin Access version for the Xbox One. Microsoft itself also has a Netflix-like subscription form with the Xbox Game Pass. With this pass, Xbox One owners have access to a variety of well-known AAA games, Microsoft’s own titles and games from the Xbox 360 console. Xbox Games Pass, like the subscriptions mentioned so far, is not yet a streaming service; in any case, the games have to be partially downloaded in order to start them up, after which the rest is downloaded in the background. Only PlayStation Now from Sony is a streaming service that allows gamers to stream games from the PlayStation 3 and 4 to the PlayStation 4 and the PC. Since September it is also possible to download the games from the PlayStation 2 and 4 to the PlayStation 4.
It goes without saying that these types of subscription types are being expanded further and that they will become increasingly dominant in the future. This is related to the wish that games should be able to be played more and more independently of a platform.